I am taking this class because I want to learn more about the world of business. If I have an opportunity in the future to own my own business, I would. So this class can help me see what I will be getting into for the future.
In the article, "Importance Of Business In The Present Day World", it talked about how business supplies services. This is very true because almost everything around us is a business. Schools, Hospitals, Insurances, and even the bus station are all business. There business is to provide us a service which we need and use a lot. They make profit out of what they offer. Every one of them focus on getting money and charge us on services we need daily.
It is very cool that you worked at an aquarium on the beach and work with animals. Its also cool that you are Hispanic and originally from a different country. You are completely correct that all businesses just focus on money which is totally greedy of them when they can cause so many problems by doing so and always taking the shortcuts to spend less money.