The lengths that some supermarkets go to today are
absolutely amazing. I never considered the supermarket industry to be competitve or unique at all, until now. I always thought that the qualities of a good supermarket were just that they were clean, had a nice and knowledgable staff, and most importantly, fresh food. Today however, the supermarket industry has clearly taken a dramatic and highly competitive turn. I never thought i would see that the day that a grocery chain would transform their stores into mini villages offering activities, entertainment, or demonstrations. It is also amazing how ruthless and dominating these stores are becoming, knocking out traditional, trusted, and well known supermarket companies. The most exciting thing for me when i went to the grocery store as a kid was getting a free slice of cheese at the deli and then a free cookie at the bakery. Now, not only can I get my cheese and cookie, I can get cooking lessons, enjoy a concert, or sample some of the food I am about to buy. These practices are ethical however they are extremely aggressive and ruthless. These strategies are extremely smart and innovative. They have exposed to me how blinded consumers are by these promotional tactics. Something as simple as changing the format and decorations in a super market to make it feel more welcoming can drastically change the local economy. Things like this would, and have, put other super markets and convenience stores out of business. It also goes to show hwo other businesses are doing the same thing. Making any store feel more welcoming, consumer friendly, or interactive has proven to be effective and guarantee success.

Hey man, I really enjoyed your blog! I too was unaware prior to this video just how competitive the supermarket industry is. I had fallen victim to all their scams and was entirely wrapped up inside their entertainments. I certainly fell into their trap and also loved the free samples as a kid. I agree with you that these strategies in these strategies being very aggressive and extremely ruthless. The current supermarket industry will stop at nothing to get your last dollar. It is also true that the costumers are completely blinded to these marketing schemes. I always considered my self a smart "bargain" shopper before seeing this video. After watching this informative video I now know just how bad of a shopper I am. I really enjoyed how you put this blog post together. It shed a bright light on to the way the supermarket industry works.
ReplyDeleteHey Matt,buy the way the presentation for B3ast was unreal. A three in one dietary supplement! Genius! I mean it is beach season, gotta look fresh! And speaking of fresh, lets talk supermarkets. I agree with all the things you had to say about the supermarket industry. I also did not notice how much of a competitive and ruthless business. A lot of the strategies they use too attract and take money from customers are unethical. They use non-direct tactics that attack your mind mentally to literally steal money out of your pocket. The way these stores are now makes the future very unpredictable and i am almost scared to see what happens.
ReplyDeleteHey Matt, I thought your input on the topic was extremely knowledgeable and informative. You clearly understood the topic and definitely paid attention in class. I to was thoroughly shocked by how in depth supermarkets go to draw in customers and was amazed at how a little store can be so effective at selling their goods that people will strictly only shop there. I thought it was very interesting how they have managed to market their foods to everybody and they have managed to make everybody feel welcome and invited at a store. I also thought it was interesting how they try to trap people inside the store by putting people all the way to the back of the store with their products and making them walk by and ignore everything else. I was amazed to learn of the thought that goes into absolutely everything but the basic knowledge of how to run a supermarket hasn’t changed.