Supermarkets today use a number of tactics that get customers into their store and have them but their products and these are the largest corporations like Whole Foods that we know of today. There are many things that supermarkets do to get customers into their store. One thing that supermarkets have started to do to attract customers and get them into their store and have them shop is the deals that they offer though ads such as a “2 for 1 deal”. These supermarkets make you think there is a huge deal going on with milk so you would automatically want to go there and believe that everything in the store could be cheaper than what it really is. The real deal is that they trick you into thinking that everything in the store is cheaper just because the major items are cheaper. Another thing is that they would make displays of delicious looking foods in the front of the store that would make the customers want to keep going in and continue to shop. Also that supermarkets are hiring professionals to change the actual design of the store, over the years they have gathered information through camera’s and other devices to track where you go inside the store and what aisles people going down the most. Supermarkets have designed there store so that the customer has to go down almost every isle, which makes the customer sees more products that they may want to buy. Another change that the supermarkets have changed is the cart size; research has been done and when people have a smaller cart they buy fewer items and that doesn’t help supermarkets and their sales. The supermarkets have made their cart sizes bigger and it makes you fill your cart up with more food. I believe these theories are ethical and make a lot of sense. Supermarkets have changed in the past years; supermarkets have grown to be multi-million corporations and makes the smaller companies go bankrupt. Now in grocery stores you can find anything you can think of seafood, bakery, fruits, prepared meals, and a new item the scan as you go shopping which is a very big attraction. Supermarkets in a couple years will be nothing like they are now and everything will be new and improved.
Caitlyn I really enjoyed reading your supermarket blog it was very informational and creative. I like how you used examples of how supermarkets try to get you to buy more items. I completely agree with this , in super markets I have noticed these tactics. When I used to go in to whole foods they had small shopping carts and it gave you the feel of buying less is acceptable. The other tactic of placing milk in the back or making it cheaper is a technique that I have seen the past few years. The local grocery store near me used to have the milk in the front of the store, but now it is in the back so you have to walk by lots of other items. I completely agree with your conclusion of supermarkets are going to be nothing like they are today. They now have food courts in them along many other things that were never there that I find to be amazing and a great strategy.