McDonalds fast food restaurant chain is one of, if not the most, recognizable and well known eating establishments in the world. It has become a household name and also one of the most successful international businesses in the world.
The business began in 1940 in San Bernardino, California by founders Richard and Maurice McDonald. In 1955, Ray Kroc bought out the McDonalds brother's share and began the worldwide expansion of the fast food empire that we know today.
In regard to our class discussions, McDonalds can be thought of by some, as the epitome of a capitalistic company. Over time and through popular media (such as the movie "Supersize Me"), McDonalds has become a symbol of unhealthy food and associated with obesity. Because of this McDonalds could be thought of as capitalistic for the reason that they're food quality is poor and cheap to make, all for the goal of making large profits. In simple terms McDonalds can be thought of as capitalistic because they view profit and money as more important than food quality and customer satisfaction, something that McDonalds has been working vigorously on to change.
I think the biggest challenge that McDonalds faces, and probably will always face, is becoming known as a reliable source of "good" food. By this I mean that it will be very difficult for McDonalds to overcome the idea that their food is bad for your health. McDonalds is widely considered to sell food that is bad for your health and can lead to obesity. It has adopted the label of being "unhealthy".
McDonalds has tried overcoming this stereotype by introducing healthier options such as fruit/yogurt parfaits, salads, and getting rid of the "supersized" portions. They also try to make themselves appear as a good source of food by launching huge ad campaigns using well known atheltes and celebrities as spokepersons to try to lure customers in as well as portray the image that the athletes and celebrities happily eat at McDonalds.
Unfortunately, the criticism and label of "unhealthy" will probably never go away, as long as the legendary burgers and other McDonalds staples are around. As the current CEO said in the video, "they will always sell hamburgers" regardless of criticism. That is what McDonalds is known for, and regardless of the amount of criticism they may receive, it's the so-called "unhealthy" food that has made them a multi-billion dollar world wide phenomenon.
They have taken steps ever since 2002, to focus on the product quality and serve the customers better by offering the healthier food options as well as a more diverse and appealing menu, such as the smaller portioned "Snack Wrap", perfect for a small meal on-the-go. I believe they will continue to create more appealing products and react to customer satisfaction.
Although no matter how many healthy options they offer in the future, they will still receive criticism as long the original McDonalds favorites such as the Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, and cheeseburgers are offered as well.
Matt your response to the McDonalds video brings up some very good points in the video. It seems that McDonalds have took many steps to try and change there menu. They are trying to get rid of the image of them being “unhealthy” and the cause of obesity. I liked how you used McDonalds ad campaigns and use of athletes to change their image. I agree that they use these things as a front just to try and cover up that their food isn't that bad for you. On the other hand from a customer stand point McDonalds has made some huge changes to there menu that are on healthier side and also very tasty. I agree with you that it will be very difficult for McDonalds to overcome the label as unhealthy and cause obesity. To overcome this like you said they will have to sustain a variety of good and healthy food.