About the video, since I come from China, I have some inside information from some of my friends who owns couple McDonald's.
when they video showed in class, I am really interested in that they
said there is a head chef, because I never heard of that before, to a company
like McDonald is really like the biggest fast food company
in the world. Most of the people in the states never know how the other
countries' McDonald works. First of all, the idea of start drives
though in China, that is something not working really well in a long time. Because
of China has really large population, so to build a McDonald with parking area
will cost around 27 million US dollar, and join McDonald the owner of the individual
has to pay around 300,000 dollar to get permission to start a McDonald, most
of the people have the 300,000 dollar, but almost no one have 27 million dollar
just to build a McDonald.
So instead of building a drive though, the owner prefer to build double floors or choose to build their store around the subway station.

Cause most the time, just like
me and my friends we all went outside for food, fast food are never a choice on
the list. China has way more better stuff to eat;so usually we just wait on the street. I haven’t gone to McDonald
in China since 2008.
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