I should start off with being honest; Coca Cola has always been my favorite type of soda. I love the red cans, the logo, and the creativity Coca Cola has put into their products. Ever since I was young the commercials have always been funny, cute and have a strong use of imagination. Coke companies know how to bring in customers with their smart advertisements help draw soda drinkers in. There are many reasons I love drinking Coke mainly because it creates memories for people. When I was younger my father brought me to a Red Sox game, I remember sitting in the left stand bleachers sipping on a giant cup of Coke. No matter where you go you can tell the can or logo is Coca Cola even if it is in Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish. Coca Cola has created one of the strongest soft drink reputations by setting the standards high. In the video we watched it showed how coke is competing Pepsi to be number one. Changing the taste of their product was the wrong way to approach things. Cokes original taste will always stay on top.
Here is the link to my Youtube video
Inside this commercial, Coca Cola focuses on Coke only, as the man walks through fields and through the house. With the elephants, a snake, and other animals thrown in as distractions the man still walks to get his Coca Cola, this is advertising with hidden creativity. The key to the perfect advertisement is humor, creativity, and the ability to catch the watchers attention. The commercial has a positive affect on the viewers. It is happy and upbeat which made me want to keep watching.
On the other hand one may say that this commercial has too many distractions thrown in and the watcher will lose their focus on the main point of the commercial. Coca Cola is not seen till the final shot where the man takes the Coke out of the refrigerator and heads back to his hut. The commercial over exaggerates by exploring the idea that a man would sleepwalk or walk through a dangerous area just to get a Coke. The man is also petting a Hyena and walking past some of the most dangerous animals within the Animal Kingdom leading some people to believe this commercial is completely irrational.
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