Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tyler Sleeper Coke Post

 I watched a few clips on You Tube of Coca Cola commercials and I saw a lot of good things. The very first thing you think about when you see a Coke commercial is a panda bear. Coca Cola has always used the polar bears for their ads and it is pretty memorable for representing Coca Cola. So I guess for a marketing perspective seeing the polar bear a lot would tell you that Coca Cola is doing well seeming as they have so many ads. Along with the polar bears there is that special tune that usually goes with most Coca Cola ads. There is usually a bell or a chime that goes with commercials. Usually they come at the end but the ad I saw, the chime or should I say the “ding” was the whole song so it was catchy. It’s especially nice when you hear that special bell and the polar bear because the commercials kind of go together. The bell and the polar bear are kind of only winter things and the main thing coke is going for now a day is that they sell their bottles ice cold. A polar bear is ice cold, and the bell for winter goes with ice cold. The cons to this are that sometimes you can’t notice the bell or certain tunes coke tries to use. Don’t get me wrong, you can always see the polar bear ad you know that it is a coke commercial. But when the tune is off or the chime that they are heading for is not chiming people tend to not notice and don’t watch it. If you don’t have a jingle to the commercial or some type of music that goes along with the animation or the acting the commercial really doesn’t come together. That’s why the polar bear the jingle and the ice cold coke go together. For an ad like that you have to make it catchy or consumers won’t even look at it.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this post. Many techniques you pointed out were simular to mine and that made it easy to read. I agree 100% with the polar bear. Good marketing always uses great icons to portray their product. Just like they used the Beatles to enhance their product when it was first coming out. People always want to replicate icons that we look up to. I also agree with the jingle statement you said. Any good marketing technique will have a good jingle, or catchy phrase.
