Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The new COKE

Before watching this video I knew little about the Coca Cola company. I only really knew that the company make the drink coke along with a few other drinks as well as there competitor bring pepsi. The common question coke and pepsi has been a battle for awhile. According to the video when pepsi first came out it hit coke hard. I can agree with this because I was an instant pepsi fan until I actually began drinking pepsi like everyone used to drink coke. The coke classic drink is one that doesn't get old as I found in pepsi. When pepsi came out coke soon changed there formula and came out with a “new coke”. This immediately shocked and disturbed costumers, they were outraged and within 3 months the Coca Cola company went back to the old formula. Soon after people began to think or this as one huge marketing scheme. When Coca Cola made the change back there were instant results sky rocketing the sales of coke. People thought that they did this to gain loyalty back and generate more revenue. Another Marketing scheme I found very interesting was the Santa Clause and Coca Cola company connection. In the video they asked are you responsible for the creation of Santa? They simply replied no but they can take credit for the new image of Santa since they use him so frequently in adds and on products during the holidays. Coke has used many marketing schemes, they even have a private vault with all memorabilia of Coca Cola. They used what I think is a genius marketing scheme, it was simple and effective. What they did was puke Coca Cola on everything from; calendars, cars, clothing, etc... You couldn't go anywhere with out seeing it. Now coke offers many different types of drinks from coke to healthy teas. One of the biggest things that I think they should use in marketing that a lot of people do not know is the ability coke gives people to make money using there products. I was unaware that coke did not actually own the factories that they bottled the coke in. They allow bottling companies to take there product bottle them and sell it. This I think brings loyalty and a love to coke that many drinks do not have.


  1. Hey Kyle, I think your blog was great and very well put together. I think you made a lot of great points about Cokes marketing. The Santa Clause scheme was a genius marketing idea. I also believe that the changing the recipe was a scheme to draw back loyal customers that may have jumped on train with the cheaper Pepsi product. It is also true that coke is everywhere now matter what. It is on everything and it sponsors big events all the time that reach a world scale, such as the Olympics. I also think its great how they let companies bottle there product and reap those profits. It says a lot about the company because they are certainly wealthy enough to own their own bottling factories but, they help spread the economy by letting outside sources bottle their product. This is not a comment trait in this business related corporate world we live in. In the end I really enjoyed reading your blog and the points you were able to make about their marketing.

  2. Hello Kyle! I agree with what you said in your post. You made some really good and interesting points. One thing I picked out that you said was that Coke has some of the best marketing strategies. I definitely agree with this because their commercials and advertisements have a way of catching a person’s attention including mine! Using Coke as a way to bring people together in a holiday theme is a smart strategy. The Santa commercial is my favorite!! I loved how you also related your article to how they are advertising their company on everything including clothes. I completely agree on your statement saying "One of the biggest things that I think they should use in marketing that a lot of people do not know is the ability coke gives people to make money using there products". This blog overall was very interesting to read and you tied all your main points together very nicely.
